Sunday, April 27, 2014

In case anyone was wondering, this is a blog that I had to make for my video games and culture course in collage. That is why it is mostly inactive.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Personality Quiz!

Currently up on the Portal website they have up a personality quiz.  

So far the results i have seen are: 
Companion Cube
And Turret.  

The results you can get are: 
Cave Johnson
And Weighted Companion Cube.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Portal 2

Portal 2 is coming out on April 19th.  This is the original trailer that they made.

This is the trailer that they made when they finally accepted pre-orders.

There is now a co-op option to the game.

Meet Wheatley.

Still Alive

The song Still Alive was written by Jonathan Coulton.  It is unusual for a video game to end in a song, this maybe why it became such a hit among the gaming community.  The song itself was also remixed for the game to play on the radio in the chamber when you first wake up.   Still Alive was featured in rock band and also audiosurf.  The song was performed by Ellen McLain.  Ellen was the voice of GLaDOS throughout the game.  She is a trained opera singer and was not sure if she would have the right style of singing for the song, but after she heard it she loved it.  People have played this song in any game or anything that has a way to play sounds in games.  There have been elementary schools that have sung this song at their shows.  If you can imagine it I am sure it has been done.  

Cake Recipie

The cake recipe is a very interesting one.  It starts out just how any recipe would start.  It is the garnishes that make you laugh and the fact that there is a cake core from GLaDOS that tell you the whole recipe.

The screen behind the Cake Core also has the recipe embedded into it.